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Chủ đề: I don't know you Anymore

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    Mặc định

    "I Don't Know You Anymore"

    I would like to visit you for a while
    Get away and out of this city
    Maybe I shouldn't have called but someone had to be the first to break
    We can go sit on your back porch
    Talk about anything
    It don't matter
    I'll be courageous if you can pretend that you've forgiven me

    Because I don't know you anymore
    I don't recognize this place
    The picture frames have changed and so has your name
    We don't talk much anymore
    We keep running from the pain
    But what I wouldn't give to see your face again

    Springtime in the city
    Always such relief from the winter freeze
    The snow was more lonely than cold
    If you know what I mean
    Everyone's got an agenda, don't stop
    Keep that chin up, you'll be all right
    Can you believe what a year it's been
    Are you still the same?
    Has your opinion changed?
    'Cause I don't know you anymore
    I don't recognize this place
    The picture frames have changed and so has your name
    We don't talk much anymore
    We keep running from these sentences
    But what I wouldn't give to see your face again

    I know I let you down
    Again and again
    I know I never really treated you right
    I've paid the price
    I'm still paying for it every day

    So maybe I shouldn't have called
    Was it too soon to tell?
    Oh what the hell
    It doesn't really matter
    How do you redefine something that never really had a name?
    Has your opinion changed?

    Because I don't know you anymore
    I don't recognize this place
    The picture frames have changed and so has your name
    We don't talk much anymore
    We keep running from the pain
    But what I wouldn't give to see your face again

    I see your face
    I see your face

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