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13-04-2007, 11:45 AM
Twilight's Chapter Seven

1983年小巷 |12月晴朗
yi jiu ba san nian xiao xiang |shi er yue qing lang
In a small alley in December of 1983, sunny and cloudless.

ye de di qi zhang
Twilight's Chapter Seven

da zi ji ji xu tui xiang |jie jin shi shi de na xia yi hang
The typewriter continues to push towards that next line that is close to the truth.

石楠煙斗的霧 |飄向枯萎的樹 |沉默的對我哭訴
shi nan yan dou de wu piao xiang ku wei de shu chen mo de dui wo ku su
The smoke from the Heath pipe floats towards the withered trees. (You) quietly lamented to me in tears.

bei ke jie pang de yuan xing guang chang
The circular square at the side of Baker Street .

盔甲騎士臂上 |鳶尾花的徽章
kui jia qi shi bi shang yuan wei hua de hui zhang
On the arm of the armoured gentleman, was an iris-patterned badge.

微亮 |無人馬車聲響
wei liang | wu ren ma che sheng xiang
Dimly lit, not a sound from humans, horses or cars.

深夜的拜訪 | 邪惡 |在維多利亞的月光下
shen ye de bai fang | xie e |zai wei duo li ya de yue guang xia
A late night visit, evil, under the moonlight of Victoria.

血色的開場 |消失的手槍 |焦黑的手杖 |融化的蠟像
xue se de kai chang| xiao shi de shou qiang| jiao hei de shou zhang |rong hua de la xiang
A bloody opening, a disappearing pistol, a charred cane, a melting wax figure.

shui bu zai chang
Who was not at the scene?

珠寶箱上 |符號的假象
zhu bao xiang shang| fu hao de jia xiang
On the jewellery box, symbols (forms) a decoy矛盾通往他堆砌的死巷 |證據被完美埋葬
mao dun tong wang ta dui qi de si xiang |zheng ju bei wan mei mai zang
Contradictions led up to the dead end he laid, the evidence is perfectly buried.

那嘲弄蘇格蘭警場 的嘴角上揚 的嘴角上揚
na chao nong su ge lan jing chang de zui jiao shang yang
Declared from that mouth that makes fun of the Scotland Yard.

如果邪惡 是華麗殘酷的樂章
ru guo xie e shi hua li can ku de le zhang
If evil was a gloriously cruel chapter
(那麼正義 是深沉無奈的惆悵)
(na me zheng yi shi shen chen wu nai de chou chang)
(Then justice is the deep helpless frustration)

它的終場| 我會親手寫上
ta de zhong chang wo hui qin shou xie shang
Its ending, I will personally write it

(那我就點亮 在灰燼中的微光)
(na wo jiu dian liang zai hui jin zhong de wei guang)
(Then I light up the glimmer in the ashes) 晨曦的光 |風乾最後一行憂傷
chen xi de guang| feng gan zui hou yi hang you shang
The morning light ,the wind dries the last row of sadness.

(那麼雨滴 會洗淨黑暗的高牆)
(na me yu di hui xi jing hei an de gao qiang)
(Such raindrops will wash the dark tall wall)

黑色的墨 染上安詳
hei se de mo ran shang an xiang
The black ink (will be) tainted with serenity.
(散場燈關上 紅色的布幕下降)
(san chang deng guan shang hong se de bu mu xia jiang)
(The lights are turned off as the audience leaves, the red curtain comes down)事實只能穿向沒有腳印的土壤
shi shi zhi neng chuan xiang mei you jiao yin de tu rang
The truth can only head towards the soil without footprints.

突兀的細微花香 |刻意顯眼的服裝
tu wu de xi wei hua xiang ke yi xian yan de fu zhuang
Distinct scent of floral fragrance, the deliberately eye-catching clothing.

mei ge ren wei bu tong de li you dai zhe mian ju shuo huang
Everyone wears a mask and lies for different reasons.
dong ji ye zhi you yi zhong ming zi na jiao zuo yu wang
Motives has a single name called desire
越過人性的沼澤 |誰真的可以不被弄髒
yue guo ren xing de zhao ze shui zhen de ke yi bu bei nong zang
Across the swamp of humanity, who can really not get defiled?
wo men ke yi, yi wang yuan liang dan bi xu zhi dao zhen xiang
We can forget and forgive, but we must know the truth被移動過的鐵床|那最後一塊圖終於拼上
bei yi dong guo de tie chuang na zui hou yi kuai tu zhong yu pin shang
The iron bed that's been moved, the last piece of the puzzle is finally put together.

wo ting jian jiao bu sheng
I hear footsteps

yu liao de ruan pi xie gen
I anticipated getting followed by soft leather shoes

ta tui kai men wan feng huang liao mei you deng
He pushes the door open; the night breeze dazzles the kerosene light

yi zhen da zi ji ting zai xiong shou de ming cheng wo zhuan shen
For a moment, the typewriter stops at the name of the murderer, I turn around.西敏寺的夜空 開始沸騰 在胸口綻放 艷麗的死亡
xi ming si de ye kong kai shi fei teng zai xiong kou zhan fang yan li de si wang
The night sky of Westminster Abbey begins to boil opening on the chest a beautiful death.

wo pin chang zhe zui hou yi kou tian mei de zhen xiang
I taste this last mouthful of sweet truth
wei xiao hui xiang zheng yi zhi shi an jing de shen zhang
Smiling, thinking back that justice is only quietly served.提琴在泰晤士
ti qin zai tai wu shi
The stringed instrument is on the Thames

如果邪惡 是華麗殘酷的樂章
ru guo xie e shi hua li can ku de le zhang
If evil was a gorgeously cruel chapter

(那麼正義 是深沉無奈的惆悵)
(na me zheng yi shi shen chen wu nai de chou chang)
(Then justice is the deep helpless frustration)

它的終場| 我會親手寫上
ta de zhong chang wo hui qin shou xie shang
Its ending, I will personally write it

(da zi ji ting zai xiong shou de ming cheng wo zhuan shen)
(The typewriter stops at the name of the murderer, I turn around.)

(xi ming si de ye kong kai shi fei teng)
(The night sky of Westminister Abbey begins to boil.)
hei se de mo ran shang an xiang
The black ink is tainted with serenity.
ru guo xie e shi hua li can ku de le zhang
If evil was a gorgeously cruel chapter

ta de zhong chang | wo hui qin shou xie shang
Its ending, I will personally write it.

chen xi de guang
The morning light,

feng gan zui hou yi hang you shang
The wind dries the last row of sadness

hei se de mo ran shang an xiang
The black ink (will be) tainted with serenity.

13-04-2007, 02:40 PM
聽媽媽的話 | Ting Ma Ma De Hua | Listen to Mama's Words

小朋友 你是否有很多問號 為什麼
Xiao peng you, ni shi fou you hen duo wen hao, wei shen me
Little children, do you have a lot of questions, why
別人在那看漫畫 我卻在學畫畫 對著鋼琴說話
Bie ren zai na kan man hua, wo que zai xue hua hua, dui zhe gang qin shuo hua
When other kids are reading manga, I am learning to draw and learning to communicate with the piano

別人在玩遊戲 我卻靠在牆壁背我的ABC
Bie ren zai wan you xi, wo que kao zai qiang bi bei wo de ABC
When other kids are playing games, I am leaning on the wall memorizing my ABCs

我說我要一台大大的飛機 我卻得到一台舊舊錄音機
Wo shuo wo yao yi tai da da de fei ji, wo jue de dao yi tai jiu jiu lu yin ji
I said that I wanted a large airplane, but I got an old recorder

為什麼 要聽媽媽的話 長大後你就會開始懂得這種話
Wei shen me, yao ting ma ma de hua, zhang da hou ni jiu hui kai shi dong de zhe zhong hua
Why should I listen to mother's words? When you grow up you will understand what I am saying

長大後我開始明白 為什麼我跑的比別人快 飛的比別人高
Zhang da hou wo kai shi ming bai, wei shen me wo pao de bi bie ren kuai, fei de bi bie ren gao
After I got older I started to realize why I run faster than others and fly further than other people

將來大家看的都是我畫的漫畫 大家唱的都是 我寫的歌
Jiang lai da jia kan de dou shi wo hua de man hua, da jia chang de dou shi wo xie de ge
In the future, people will be reading my mangas and all the songs they sing will be written by me

媽媽的辛苦 不讓你看見 溫暖的食譜在她心裡面
Ma ma de xin ku bu rang ni kan jian, wen nuan de shi pu zai ta xin li mian
Mother's hard work isn't seen by others. She knows the warm recipe by heart

有空就多多握握她的手 把手牽著一起夢遊
You kong jiu duo duo wo wo ta de shou, ba shou qian zhe yi qi meng you
When you have time, hold her hand and sleep dream together

聽媽媽的話 別讓她受傷 想快快長大 才能保護她
Ting ma ma de hua, bie rang ta shou shang, xiang kuai kuai zhang da cai neng bao hu ta
Listen to mother's words, don't let her get hurt. You want to grow up quickly so you can take care of her

美麗的白髮 幸福中發芽 天使的魔法 溫暖中慈祥
Mei li de bai fa, xing fu zhong fa ya tian shi de mo fa, wen nuan zhong ci xiang
Beautiful white hair, growing inside happiness. Angel's magic benevolence within (her) gentleness

在你的未來 音樂是你的王牌 拿王牌談個戀愛
Zai ni de wei lai, yin yue shi ni de wang pai na wang pai tan ge lian ai
In your future, music is your key to success, use it to get into a relationship

唉 我不想把你教壞 還是聽媽媽的話吧 晚點在戀愛吧
Ai wo bu xiang ba ni jiao huai hai shi ting ma ma de hua ba, wan dian zai lian ai ba
Sigh, I don't want to teach you to be a bad kid. Why don't you listen to what your mother says and get in a relationship later

我知道你未來的路 當媽比我更清楚
Wo zhi dao ni wei lai de lu, dang ma bi wo geng qing chu
I know your future path, but your mother knows it even better

Ni hui kai shi xue qi ta tong xue zai shu bao xie dong xie xi
You will start imitating friends and write things on your backpack

但我建議你最好寫 媽媽我會用功讀書
Dan shi wo jian yi ni zui hao xie, ma ma wo hui yong gong du shu
But I suggest you better write: Mom I will put in my best effort to learn
用功讀書 怎麼會從我嘴巴說出
Yong gong du shu, zhe me hui cong wo zui ba shuo chu
I will study hard, how does that come from my mouth?
不想你輸所以要教你 用功讀書
Bu xiang ni shu suo yi yao jiao ni, yong gong du shu
I need to teach you because I don't want you to lose. Study hard
媽媽織給你的毛衣 你要好好收著
Ma ma zhi gei ni de mao yi, ni yao hao hao shou zhe
The sweater mother gave you, you will wear it well
因為母親節到時我要告訴她 我還留著
Ying wei mu qin jie dao shi wo hui gao shu ta, wo hai liu zhe
Because on Mother's Day, I want to tell her, I still have it

對了 我會遇到了周潤發
Dui le, wo hui yu dao le zou ren fa
Oh yea, I will meet Zhou Run Fa*
*Zhou Run Fa is a famous actor (Yes...He is Chow Yun Fat)
所以你可以跟同學炫耀 賭神未來是你爸爸
suo yi ni ke yi geng tong xue xuan yao du shen wei lai shi ni ba ba
So you can show off to your friends, "The God of Gambling will be your father"

我找不到童年寫的情書 你寫完不要送人
Wo zhao bu dao tong nian xie de qing shu, ni xie wan bu yao song ren
I can't find the childhood love letter. Don't give it away after you write it

yin wei guo liang tian ni hui zai cao chang shang jian dao
Because you will find it on the playground two days later

你會開始喜歡上流行歌 因為張學友開始準備唱吻別
Ni hui kai shi xi huan shang liu xing ge yin wei zhang xue you kai shi zhun bei chang wen bie
You will start to like pop music because Jacky Cheung is about to sing Kiss Goodbye*
*(Kiss Goodbye is a famous song that was a hit in the 90s)

聽媽媽的話 別讓她受傷 想快快長大 才能保護她
Ting ma ma de hua, bie rang ta shou shang, xiang kuai kuai zhang da cai neng bao hu ta
Listen to mother's words, don't let her get hurt. You want to grow up quickly so you can take care of her and protect her

13-04-2007, 03:02 PM
本草纲目 | Ben Cao Gang Mu | A Herbalist's Manual

Ru guo Hua Tuo zai shi
If Hua Tuo were still alive

Chong yang dou bei yi zhi
Worshipping of foreign cultures would be healed

Wai bong lai xue han zi
Foreigners coming to learn Chinese characters

Ji fa wo min zu yi shi
Stimulates my cultural knowledge and heritage

馬錢子 | 決明子 | 蒼耳子 | 還有蓮子
Ma qian zi | Que ming zi | Can er zi | Hai you lian zi
Ma qian zi, Que ming zi, Can er zi and lotus seed

黃藥子 | 苦豆子 | 川楝子 | 我要面子
Huang yao zi | Ku dou zi | Chuan lian zi | Wo yao mian zi
Huang yao zi, Ku dou zi, Chuan lian zi …I want reputation/face

Yong wo de fang shi gai xie yi bu li shi
Using my own approach to rewrite a part of history

沒什麼別的事 跟著我唸幾個字
Mei shen mo bie de shi…gen zhe wo nian ji ge zi
This is not something special… follow me in uttering a few words

山藥~當歸~枸杞~ go
Shan yao~dang gui~gou qi~ GO
Chinese herbs…Angelica sinensis….Lycium chinense…GO

山藥~當歸~枸杞~ go
Shan yao~dang gui~gou qi~ GO
Chinese herbs…Angelica sinensis….Lycium chinense…GO

看我抓一把中藥 服下一帖驕傲
Kan wo zhua yi ba zhong yao fu xia yi tie jiao ao
Watch me grab some Chinese medicines and throw in some pride


我表情悠哉 跳個大概
Wo biao qing you zai tiao ge da gai
My reaction is tranquil… hurdle over problems (estimates)

動作輕鬆自在 你學不來
Dong zuo qing song zi zai ni xue bu lai
Actions are relaxed and free …you will never learn

霓虹的招牌 調整好狀態
Ni hong de zhao pai diao zheng hao zhuang tai
Neon signs…organised into a neat manner

在華麗的城市 等待醒來
Zai hua li de cheng shi deng dai xing lai
In this grand city…waiting [for it] to awaken

我表情悠哉 跳個大概
Wo biao qing you zai tiao ge da gai
My reaction is tranquil… hurdle over problems (estimates)

用書法書朝代 內力傳開
Yong shu fa shu zhao dai nai li chuan kai
Using calligraphy to describe a dynasty…internal force is unleashed

豪氣揮正楷 給一拳對白
Hao qi hui zheng kai gei yi quan dui bai
Gallant manner to write in standard calligraphy….give a fist of dialogue

結局平躺下來 看誰厲害 **
Jie ju ping tang xia lai kan shui li hai **
The ending starts to become stable/clear… see who is the most impressive

Verse 2:

Lian cheng shen mo dan
Refined into what panacea?  

Rou cheng shen mo wan
Kneaded into what pill?

Lu rong qie pian bu neng tai bo
Deer horn must not be sliced to thinly

Lao shi fu de shou fa bu neng zhe yang luan chao
The old master’s skill cannot just be haphazardly copied

龜苓膏 雲南白藥 還有冬蟲夏草
Gui ling gao ~ yun nan bai yao ~ hai you dong chong xia cao
Gui ling gao ~ yun ling bai yao ~ and dong chong xia cao

自己的音樂自己的藥 份量剛剛好
Zi ji de yin yue zi ji ke yao fen liang gang gang hao
My own music… my medicine… amount is just right

Ting shuo guo zhong yao ku
Once heard that Chinese medicines were very bitter

Chao xi ying gai geng ku
Plagiarism is even more distasteful

Kuai fan kai ben cao gang mu
Quickly open the Herbalist's Manual

Duo kan yi xie shan ben shu
Read more books on virtues

蟾蘇 ~ 地龍 已翻過江湖
Chan sudi long …yi fan guo jiang hu
Chan su, di long …overturn the underworld

Zhe xie lao zu zong de xin ku
This is the hard work that the ancestors have committed

Wo men yi ding bu neng shu
I cannot possibly lose

就是這個光 ~~~ 就是這個光 ~~~
Jiu shi zhe ge guang ~~~ Jiu shi zhe ge guang
There is a luminescence …there is a luminescence

Yi qi chang
Let’s sing together

(就是這個光 就是這個光)
(Jiu shi zhe ge guang ~~~ Jiu shi zhe ge guang)
(There is a luminescence …there is a luminescence)

Hey ~~~~

Rang wo lai diao ge pian fang
Let me change/tune everywhere 

Zhuan zhi ni mei wai de nei shang
Especially cure internal wounds

Yi zha gen qian nian de han fang
Being rooted in thousand of years of Chinese culture

Yong bie ren bu zhi dao de li liang
Use and unleash the unknown power

Repeat Chorus

蹲 小殭屍蹲 小殭屍蹲
Dun xiao jiang shi dun xiao jiang shi dun
Bend … small corpse bend… small corpse bend…

又蹲 小殭屍蹲 暗巷點燈
Dun xiao jiang shi dun an xiang dian deng
Bend… small corpse bend… dark alleyway lit by light

又蹲 小殭屍蹲 鑽蘿蔔坑
Dun xiao jiang shi dun zuan luo bo keng
Bend… small corpse bend… dig a turnip hole

又蹲 小殭屍蹲 唸咒語哼
Dun xiao jiang shi dun nian zhou yu heng
Bend… small corpse bend…chanting a curse

Translation Notes:
* Hua Tuo is one of the most famous physicians in Chinese history... skilled doctors are often nicknamed "Hua Tuo".
However, "Compendium of Materia Medica" (Herbalist's Manual) is, in fact, not written by Hua Tuo but by Li Shi Zhen ... several dynasties later. It lists all the plants/herbs and animals which had medicinal properties.

13-04-2007, 03:06 PM
退后 | Tui Hou | Retreat

tian kong hui de xiang ku guo
The sky is so gray that it looks like it just cried
li kai ni yi hou
After leaving you

bing mei you gen zi you
(I) did not regain more freedom

suan suan de kong qi
(From) the air

xiu chu wo men de ju li
(I) smelt our distance

yi mu zui xin de jie ju
A heart breaking ending

xiang hu xi ban wu fa ting xi
Is continuous just like breathing

chou ti fan huang de ri ji
The yellowing diary lied in the drawer

zha gan le hui yi
(had) pressed dried [our] memories

na xiao rong shi xia ji
That smile is summer

ni wo de guo qu
Our past

bei shun shi zhen de wang ji
Has been forgotten as time goes by

que yang guo hou de ai qing
Love after anoxia (lack of oxygen)

cu xin de yan lei shi duo yu
Careless tears are unnecessary

wo zhi dao ni wo dou mei you cuo
I know that the fault is not in either one of us

zhi shi wang le ze me tui hou
We just forgot how to step back

xin shi dan dan gei le cheng nuo
We made promises to each other with confidence

que bei shi jian pu le kong
Yet it has been emptied by time

wo zhi dao wo men dou mei you cuo
I know that the fault is not in either one of us

zhi shi fang shou hui bi jiao hao guo
It's just that letting go would make things easier

zui mei de ai qing hui yi li dai xu
The most beautiful love is to be continued in [my] memory

退後 MV text translation (traditional and simplified Chinese)

How many cups do you want?

50 cups

Let’s set up a time tonight!

This (orange) is for you

Didn’t we just solve the problem?

What are you doing here!

Why is there only a little bit (of juice)?

Because you got in a fight and weren’t behaving!

I already changed

But it’s too late

13-04-2007, 03:11 PM
菊花台 | Ju Hua Tai | Chrysanthemum Flower Bed

妳 的淚光 柔弱中帶傷
ni de lei guang rou ruan zhong dai shang
Your tears glistens with weakness admist the pain
慘白的月彎彎 勾住過往
can bai de yue wan wan gou zhu guo wang
The ghostly white curved moon hooks onto the past

夜 太漫長 凝結成了霜
ye tai man chang ning jie cheng le shuang
The night is too long and has crystallised into frost

是誰在閣樓上 冰冷的絕望
shi shui zai ge lou shang bing leng de jue wang
Who is in the attic [filled with] cold hopelessness

雨 輕輕彈 朱紅色的窗
yu qing qing tan zhu hong se de chuang
Rain gently bounces off vermillon window

我一生在紙上 被風吹亂
wo yi sheng zai zhi shang bei feng chui luan
I have [written] my life story on paper [only to be] blown into a mess by the winds

夢 在遠方 化成一縷香
meng zai yuan fang hua cheng yi lu xiang
The faraway dream has become really faint

隨風飄散 妳的模樣
sui feng piao shan ni de mo yang
The wind has dispersed the image of you


菊花殘 滿地傷 妳的笑容已泛黃
ju hua chan man di shang ni de xiao rong yi fan huang
Chrysanthemum destroyed, a whole floor of pain your smile has become faintly yellow

花落人斷腸 我心事靜靜躺
hua luo ren duan chang wo xin shi jin jin tang
People are heartbroken when the flower falls, my thoughts lay quietly [aside]

北風亂 夜未央 妳的影子剪不斷
bei feng luan ye wei yang ni de ying zi jian bu duan
The north wind is chaotic the night is still young your shadows can't be cut

徒留我孤單 在湖面 成雙*
tu liu wo gu dan zai hu mian cheng shuang
Just leaving me lonely doubled [when I stand] by the lake

Verse 2:

花 已向晚 飄落了燦爛
hua yi xiang wan piao luo le can lan
The flower has already come late, drifting down brillantly

凋謝的世道上 命運不堪
diao xie de shi dao shang ming yun bu kan
The wilted morals an unbearable fate

愁 莫渡江 秋心拆兩半
chou muo du jiang qiu xin chai liang ban
[If you are] sad don't cross the river worries* broken into two

*this literally means splitting the top and bottom of the word "chou" apart into two words "qiu" and "xin"

怕妳上不了岸 一輩子搖晃
pa ni shang bu liao an yi bei zi yao huang
In fear that you can't get back on shore and will sway for a lifetime

誰 的江山 馬蹄聲狂亂
shui de jiang shan ma ti sheng guang luan
Chaotic sounds of horse hoofs [in] whose territory?

我一身的戎裝 呼嘯滄桑
wo yi shen de wu zhuang hu xiao cang sang
My armory shouts out the wear of time

天 微微亮 妳輕聲的嘆
tian wei wei liang ni qing sheng de tan
The sky is starting to light up your voice is sighing

一夜惆悵 如此委婉
yi ye chou chang ru ci wei wan
A night of disappointment is [said] in such a roundabout way

Repeat Chorus