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Chủ đề: Lionel Richie & Commodores - Gold (2006)

  1. #1
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    Icon20 Lionel Richie & Commodores - Gold (2006)

    Lionel Richie & Commodores - Gold (2006)
    2CDs | Genre: Pop | Release: 2006 | Label: Hip-O Records | MP3 320 kbps | 364 MB
    Track List:
    1. All Night Long (All Night) - (with Lionel Richie)
    2. Penny Lover - (with Lionel Richie)
    3. Say You, Say Me - (with Lionel Richie)
    4. My Destiny - (with Lionel Richie)
    5. Running With the Night - (with Lionel Richie)
    6. Dancing on the Ceiling - (with Lionel Richie)
    7. Love Oh Love - (with Lionel Richie)
    8. Ballerina Girl - (with Lionel Richie)
    9. My Love - (with Lionel Richie)
    10. Love Will Conquer All - (with Lionel Richie)
    11. Do It to Me - (with Lionel Richie)
    12. Cinderella - (with Lionel Richie)
    13. Angel - (with Lionel Richie)
    14. Don`t Wanna Lose You - (with Lionel Richie)
    15. Sweet Love - (with The Commodores)
    16. Oh No - (with The Commodores)
    1. Hello - (with Lionel Richie)
    2. Endless Love - (with Lionel Richie/Diana Ross)
    3. Three Times a Lady - (with The Commodores)
    4. Sail On - (with The Commodores)
    5. Stuck on You - (with Lionel Richie)
    6. You Are - (with Lionel Richie)
    7. Truly - (with Lionel Richie)
    8. Easy - (with The Commodores)
    9. Still - (with The Commodores)
    10. Just to Be Close to You - (with The Commodores)
    11. Lady (You Bring Me up) - (with The Commodores)
    12. Machine Gun - (with The Commodores)
    13. Brickhouse - (with The Commodores)
    14. Too Hot Ta Trot - (with The Commodores)
    15. Zoom - (with The Commodores)
    16. Jesus Is Love - (with The Commodores)

    Code: Richie.rar
    Code: Richie.rar
    Code: Richie.rar

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