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Chủ đề: Bring mr to life - Evanescence

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    Mặc định Bring me to life - Evanescence

    How can you see into my eyes like open doors?
    Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb
    Without a soul, my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
    Until you find it there and lead it back home

    Wake me up
    (Wake me up inside)
    I can't wake up
    (Wake me up inside)
    Save me
    (Call my name and save me from the dark)

    Wake me up
    (Bid my blood to run)
    I can't wake up
    (Before I come undone)
    Save me
    (Save me from the nothing I've become)

    Now that I know what I'm without
    You can't just leave me
    Breathe into me and make me real
    Bring me to life

    Wake me up
    (Wake me up inside)
    I can't wake up
    (Wake me up inside)
    Save me
    (Call my name and save me from the dark)

    Wake me up
    (Bid my blood to run)
    I can't wake up
    (Before I come undone)
    Save me
    (Save me from the nothing I've become)

    I've been living a lie
    There's nothing inside
    Bring me to life

    Frozen inside without your touch
    Without your love, darling
    Only you are the life among the dead

    All this time, I can't believe I couldn't see
    Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
    I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems
    Got to open my eyes to everything

    Without thought, without voice, without a soul
    Don't let me die here
    There must be something more
    Bring me to life

    Wake me up
    (Wake me up inside)
    I can't wake up
    (Wake me up inside)
    Save me
    (Call my name and save me from the dark)

    Wake me up
    (Bid my blood to run)
    I can't wake up
    (Before I come undone)
    Save me
    (Save me from the nothing I've become)

    I've been living a lie
    There's nothing inside
    Bring me to life

    Nguồn từ:

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    Lần sửa cuối bởi [A]pple, ngày 07-08-2011 lúc 10:31 AM.

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