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Chủ đề: Eyes on me - Final Fantasy VIII (Cover)

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    Mặc định Eyes on me - Final Fantasy VIII (Cover)

    Chắc hẳn các boy ko thất vọng vì đã xem clip này:

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    Yêu xừ cái cách nhìn của nhỏ này rồi! nhìn yêu chết đi đc!

    Tuy xử lý hơi non nhưng chất jọnngg quá ổn ! quan trọng là em ấy rất kute

    Thông Tin Cơ Bản

    Thành viên: Carmina Isabelle Topacioể Loại: Acoustic Alternative Pop Metal RockQuê Quán: Manila, PhilippinesHãng Thu Âm: Unsigned

    ảnh hưởng: Rock, Alternative, Metal, and moreSở thích của ban nhạc: Avenged Sevenfold, 30 Seconds To Mars, Stone Sour, Breaking Benjamin, etc.

    Tiểu sử:
    A BS Psychology Student at De La Salle University, became one of the finalist in Meg's Magazine last 2008.

    One of the fast rising stars on youtube.

    Carmina Isabelle Topacio was born to sing and play the music that she love.

    She was born July 1, 1991.
    She is an aspiring music artist.
    She like singing and making videos
    It's kind of like her sweet escape.
    Aside from that, she is also into video games.
    She currently have her own youtube channel.
    Please visit it now:

    When she posted her first video, it was only for fun,
    She also confess that she do her own recordings before but just for herself, she did this way back since at the age of 11 to 12, like she is dreaming on recording on her own music album so she made her own cd just for herself to keep and to listen to.

    She did not post her videos to become famous or anything because she didn't even expect people to find them. There so many people out there post their own videos on youtube, so she tried it out thinking no one will notice her video on this youtube website or at least no one that she personally know.
    To her surprise, people started subscribing to her.
    And yes, believe it or not, she is a shy type person.
    She don't perform in public. Maybe in family gatherings when she is forced to sing.

    And there was a part of her hoping that she can be discovered just like the other youtube artists.
    And quote
    "Sinong musician naman ang ayaw madiscover diba?
    It's always been a dream of mine to have my own album"

    Music is her passion and her world.
    She is glad that she get to share her music on youtube.
    She don't sing for the heck of it,
    She sing with her heart.
    She want her music to speak to people,
    Just like how a song, when you listen to it,
    Can change everything, the way you think,
    The way you feel.
    It's amazing how it can say everything that's inside you. When it has the perfect lyrics and the perfect tune that will feed your soul your
    Soul and enable you to have a moment of clarity.
    She want to be able to write something like that.
    She want to write something that can change things
    For the better,
    And she want to sing songs that will matter to people.

    Talented, beautiful, musician, artist.

    Be an official fan of Youtube Sensation Carmina Topacio.

    Let's support her for her dreams.

    Nguồn từ:

    Các bài viết cùng chuyên mục:

    Lần sửa cuối bởi loveactually, ngày 22-02-2010 lúc 12:02 AM.

  2. Đã có 2 người nói lời cảm ơn.

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