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Chủ đề: Color test

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    Question Color test

    1. How would you describe the colour of the sea?
    A. Dark Blue
    B. Green
    C. Clear
    D. Murky

    2. Which part of the mountain would you like to be at?

    3. (i) What shape do you like?
    A. Circle
    B. Square
    C. Triangle

    (ii) How big would you like this object to be?

    (iii) What material should it be made of?
    A. Wood
    B. Diamond
    C. Glass
    D. Metal

    4. What colour is a horse in your mind?
    A. Brown
    B. Black
    C. White

    5. If walking along a corridor, you see two doors.
    One on your immediate left 5 steps and one more door at the end of the corridor.
    Both doors are open. A key is on the floor right in front of you, would you pick it up?
    A. Yes
    B. No

    6. A storm is coming. Which would you choose?
    A. Horse
    B. House

    7. List these colours in degree of preference.

    (Sưu tầm)
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    Mặc định

    Now analyze your answers:
    1. A. Dark Blue - complicated personality
    B. Green - easy going and carefree
    C. Clear - Easy to understand
    D. Murky - Confused

    2. This question attempts to decide upon how ambitious you are depending on the height that you choose.

    3. (i) A. Circle - try to please all
    B. Square-opinionated/self oriented
    C. Triangle-stubborn

    (ii) Size - relates to that of your ego

    (iii) Wood - peaceful personality
    Diamond - stubborn personality when broken is shattered
    Glass - fragile personality
    Metal - strong personality but inflexible

    4. A. Brown - down to earth
    B. Black - unpredictable, wild, exciting
    C. White - Superior, impressive

    5. A. Yes - you are an opportunist
    B. No - you are not!

    6. This question determines your preference of confidants in times of trouble
    A. Horse - wife
    B. House - friends

    7. This question rates the manner in which you prioritise certain aspects of your life.
    Blue - Friends/Relationship
    Green - Career
    Red - Passion
    Black - Death
    White - Marriage

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