View Full Version : WebSite-Watcher 2011 11.1 Beta (08/03/2011)

08-03-2011, 04:41 PM
http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5131/5508928670_1816875728_o.jpg (http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5131/5508928670_1816875728_o.jpg)

WebSite-Watcher 2011 version 11.1 Beta-2

Automatically check web pages for updates and changes. Automate your daily routine, boost your productivity! Save Time, Stay Informed! WebSite-Watcher is a powerful yet simple website-monitoring tool, perfectly suited to the beginner and advanced user alike. If you can work with an email client, you can even work with WebSite-Watcher! The software places you in complete control over what gets checked, when it gets checked, and even how you are notified. WebSite-Watcher allows you to monitor your favorite websites for updates and changes with a minimum of time and effort. This prevents you from visiting each page manually looking for changes. When changes in a page are detected, WebSite-Watcher saves the last two versions to your hard disk and highlights all changes in the text. Many features give you control, when and how a page should be monitored for updates. For example to get only an update notification when a specified keyword is available within the changed content.

WebSite-Watcher works as client on your computer, similar to an e-mail client. All bookmarks and configurations are stored locally on your hard disk, WebSite-Watcher doesn't require our servers to check pages for updates and changes.

Many file/page types

Monitor web pages.
Monitor password protected pages.
Monitor forums.
Monitor RSS-Feeds.
Monitor Newsgroups.
Monitor PDF/Word/Excel documents.
Monitor binary files.
Monitor local files.

Control what gets checked

Powerful yet simple filter system.
Highlight changes.
Monitor pages for specified words.
Monitor whole sites instead of single pages.

Control when it gets checked

Manual checks.
Automatic checks.
Automate checks and tasks with the integrated scripting language.

Lots of other features

Additional actions when updates are detected.
Powerful Plugin system.
Work with checked pages (Searches, Reports, etc.).
Archive pages permanently.
Synchronize bookmark files.
Backup and Restore.
Lots of other features and options.

System Requirement:

Operating System: Windows 7 (32/64 bit), Vista, XP, 2000.
If you install a new version, do not uninstall your existing copy of WebSite-Watcher - just install the new version over the old one!

Changes in Version 2011 (11.0):
[+] Virtual folders
[+] Internal browser: Changes bar (optional via "View" menu)
[+] Bookmark properties - New option "Offset before first change": Scroll back the configured number of pixels when jumping to the first highlighted change (this can make it more comfortable to read the first highlighted change)
[+] Bookmark properties - Ignore Updates: This feature now supports a Blacklist/Whitelist mode
[+] Download Manager to automatically download RSS feed enclosures
[+] RSS: WebSite-Watcher supports multiple enclosures in RSS feed postings
[+] RSS: New option "Keep the most recent X articles"
[+] Set properties in all selected bookmarks: "Follow-Links" options can be applied to selected bookmarks
[+] Assign bookmark properties (program configuration or per folder): Pre-define ignore filters
[+] Assign bookmark properties (program configuration or per folder): Pre-define some special filters
[+] Assign bookmark properties (program configuration or per folder): Pre-define check technology
[+] Bookmark action "Export page": New format "Webpage, complete" to also export related CSS and image files (these files are exported into a folder with extension ".files". If the export filename is "test.htm", then exported CSS/image files are stored in "test.files")
[+] Internet Explorer Macros with CAPTCHAs supported. If a page contains a CAPTCHA, WebSite-Watcher interrupts the macro execution and shows the browser window to enter the confirmation code. After that, the macro execution is continued.
[+] Internet Explorer Macros: Pure Javascript hyperlinks supported
[+] Internet Explorer Macros: Comboboxes with Javascript actions supported
[+] Internet Explorer Macros: More login types supported
[+] Bookmark check: truncated downloads are detected and handled automatically (truncated downloads will no longer cause false positives)
[+] New special filter: Ignore entries in dropdown and list boxes (this filter is enabled by default to have the same behavior as in previous WebSite-Watcher versions)
[+] Import bookmarks (with pre-defined properties) from Excel (XLS) or CSV file (supported properties see help file)
[+] Export bookmarks with certain properties to Excel (This makes it for example possible to export bookmarks to Excel, change them there and re-import them into WebSite-Watcher)
[+] Script command "ImportBookmarks" can import bookmarks from Excel (XLS) and CSV files
[+] Pdf/Word/Excel plugins are now assigned automatically when a pdf/word/excel file is loaded after a redirection from a html page (in previous version it was only possible to automatically assign a plugin when the URL contained the correct file extension).
[+] PDF/Word/Excel files can be checked via Internet Explorer Macros
[+] PDF-Plugin: The PDF plugin uses now an alternative text extraction in addition to the internal PDF file conversion. Should the internal conversion fail, there's still a good chance that the text can be extracted with the alternative solution. This makes checking PDF files more reliable for problematic PDF files. (The alternative text extraction is based on the installed PDF Reader and the IFilter system).
[+] Excel Plugin rewritten: Conversion is now ultra fast + Support for protected excel files
[+] Excel-Plugin: Conversion for Excel-2007/2010 format rewritten. Supports now also cell formats, cell merging, etc.
[+] Internal browser/URL field: If you enter a search term instead of an URL, then a Google search is performed
[+] Plugin IDE has now a sensitive help. When the cursor is placed on a function, event function or a statement, then F1 jumps directly to the related help topic.
[+] Plugin IDE / Code completion via Ctrl+Space: Several new features and sensitive help added.
[+] Plugins / New functions to maintain stringlists, eg. functions to insert, change or delete specific items. All functions related to stringslists start with "StringList_". More information and an enhanced example can be found in the help file.
[+] Plugins / New function: DownloadFile (adds an URL to the included download manager)
[+] Plugins / New function: ReplaceWildcard
[+] Plugins / New function: DeleteAllWildcardMatches
[+] Plugins / New function: AddStringToFile
[+] Plugins / New function: Sleep
[+] Plugins: The built-in function "Bookmark_GetProperty" supports the parameter "name" to read the bookmark name.
[+] Plugins: The built-in function "Bookmark_SetProperty" can write the additional 3 info fields of a bookmark
[+] Plugins: Built in function Bookmark_SetProperty has a new parameter "MarkAsRead" to mark a bookmark as visited. Further details see help file.
[+] Database Repair Tool (dbtool.exe) that can be used to repair a database. Can be used if it's no longer possible to start WebSite-Watcher or to open a database due to database corruptions and crashes.
[+] Scrolling with the mouse wheel works when the cursor is over the control (folder tree, bookmark list, web browser), it's no longer required to click the control before
[+] Image configuration: WebSite-Watcher can now optionally show embedded flash videos if absolute image addresses or image downloading is enabled (in previous versions, embedded flash videos were always displayed but this could slow down opening certain bookmarks).
[+] Newsgroups: Get parent postings (which can be much faster than the function "Reconstruct Thread" when you're only interested in (very) old parent postings)
[+] Script IDE: Code completion via Ctrl+Space added
[+] Script IDE has now a sensitive help. When the cursor is placed on a command, then F1 jumps directly to the related help topic of that command.
[x] Follow-Links runs more smoothly and no longer blocks the main application
[x] Jump to first/next keyword: Performance improvements
[x] Show removed elements at the bottom of the page: Performance improvements (also fixed a bottleneck that could freeze WebSite-Watcher in rare cases)
[x] Improved IFRAME handling
[x] Improved codepage detection for some Russian web pages
[x] Improved detection of PDF/Word/Excel files after redirections
[+] New Tweak: "CreateHighlightedChangesInBackground=1": By default, WebSite-Watcher calculates and generates the file with highlighted changes as soon as you open a bookmark. If this option is enabled, then WebSite-Watcher creates the files with highlighted changes immediately while bookmarks are checked. This will speed up opening changed bookmarks, but the check run will consume more memory and resources. It's not recommended to use this tweak if you often re-check changed/unread bookmarks without opening them after each check.
[+] New Tweak "SavePageWhenNoKeywordsFound=1": By default, WebSite-Watcher doesn't save a page to your hard disk when keywords are entered in Update-on-keywords but no keyword is found within new/changed content. With that tweak, a page is also saved to your hard disk when none of the entered keywords is found.
[+] New Tweak "UseStaticTrayIconHint=1": Shows the static text "WebSite-Watcher" as trayicon tooltip instead of dynamically generated information about check/update status.
[+] Report/Export: New field {wsw_url_date_created}
[x] The old-looking floating InfoWin has been re-designed and shows more information now. It has also been renamed to "Update-Ticker".
[x] Internet Explorer browser integration improved (certain pages could not be added via the context menu due to an IE problem)
[x] Checking Excel files: Performance highly improved
[-] Pdf/Word/Excel files could not be checked via Check-Macros containing logouts
Tons of smaller improvements and optimizations
http://softvnn.com/images/home.gif HOMEPAGE (http://aignes.net/)

http://softvnn.com/images/down.gif Download (http://www.aignes.com/download/wswsetup.exe) | Setup | 8.66MB
http://softvnn.com/images/key.jpg CD-Key: (http://softvnn.com)
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(Hệ thống lấy tin tự động - chuyenhvt.net)