View Full Version : cFosSpeed 6.04 Build 1753 Final / 6.05 Build 1771 Beta (26/11/2010)

26-11-2010, 11:10 AM
http://farm1.anhso.net/pic/o/101715/B2C9C6FE5FBD703355783193C376A56EDEDB78983692ACDC/2.jpg (http://farm1.anhso.net/pic/o/101715/B2C9C6FE5FBD703355783193C376A56EDEDB78983692ACDC/2.jpg)

cFosSpeed 6

cFosSpeed là một chương trình mạng, nó tự động gắn vào các kết nối Internet và tối ưu hóa chúng bằng công nghệ Traffic Shaping.

Traffic Shaping là phương pháp tối ưu hóa kết nối Internet. Nó tăng tối đa tốc độ trong khi đảm bảo tối thiểu thời gian trễ (Ping).

Bạn có thể sử dụng cFosSpeed với một router hay/và một modem DSL hoặc cable. Bạn cũng có thể sử dụng cFosSpeed với các loại kết nối khác, bất cứ khi nào bạn có kết nối Internet.

cFosSpeed hỗ trợ nhiều loại kết nối khác nhau như DSL, cable, ISDN, UMTS, v.v...

http://s48.radikal.ru/i122/0811/3b/059e3368460b.gif (http://s48.radikal.ru/i122/0811/3b/059e3368460b.gif)

cFosSpeed có 2 mục tiêu :

Giảm tối thiểu các chậm trễ (thời gian ping) để giữ cho các chương trình mạng càng nhạy càng tốt.
Tăng lưu lượng dữ liệu bằng cách chống nghẽn kết nối.
Bạn có thể sử dụng cFosSpeed cho kết nối Internet cá nhân hoặc kết nối chia sẻ cho nhiều PCs.

Các yêu cầu hệ thống :

Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7, và cả Windows 2000
32bit / 64bit (x64)
kết nối Internet hiện tại

http://img2.imageshack.us/img2/9786/cfosspeed.png (http://img2.imageshack.us/img2/9786/cfosspeed.png)

Change in cFosSpeed 6.04 build 1753 :

Trích dẫn:
! Removed cfosspeed.dll which was needed for installation under Windows 2000.
+ Added automatic check for new versions. cFosSpeed checks every 7 days for a
new release. You can also set it to check for new beta versions, which are
checks for every 2 days. If you don't like to update, you can choose to
skip the new version. Then there will be displayed no balloon tips for this
version any more. Otherwise, a click on the balloon brings you to our
download page.
+ Net_talk packets are tamed and sent out only every 15 seconds if there is no
other cFosSpeed found.
+ Speeded ICMP packet handling. Thanks to Archer for report.
+ Added option to context menu to send test pings for 60 seconds. This works
even if traffic shaping is disabled.
+ Improved pinger selection when ping reliability is low.
+ No pings are sent when there was no traffic for some time. This is to help
disconnect-on-idle functionality.
+ Added "Unknown" protocol to priority dialogs as well.
x If net_talk was switched off, received net_talk packets were ignored as well.
Now even then, received packets are used, although no packets are sent out.
If you want to disable listening to net_talk packets as well, switch off
x Fixed some program priorities and bugs in dialog. Again thanks to Yochanan.
x Fixed bug in service startup code.
x Fixed a bug where the installer would ask for your email address even if he
already did so in some earlier installation after you changed the installer
x Fixed bug in Adapter Info dialog.
- License keys that included a limited 1-year update right and were sold until
July 2008 for a special price no longer work now. If you want to continue to
use cFosSpeed, please purchase an update.
- Added hint to upgrade to Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 if a 2010 version
is found under Vista or higher.
- Reorganized context menu. Moved the Traffic Shaping menu options into
a new Traffic Shaping menu.

Trích dẫn:

* New feature
+ Improvement
! Software change requires modification of your configuration
x Bugfix
- Information only

http://softvnn.com/images/home.gif Homepage - Trang chủ (http://www.cfos.de/speed/cfosspeed_e.htm)

http://softvnn.com/images/key.jpg Thay đổi trong phiên bản Final ! (http://www.cfos.de/speed/whatsnew.shtml)
http://softvnn.com/images/key.jpg Thay đổi trong phiên bản Beta ! (http://www.cfos.de/beta/cfosspeed_whatsnew_e.shtml)

http://softvnn.com/images/down.gif Tải về cFosSpeed 6.04 Build 1753 Final - 32bit (http://www.cfos.de/cfosspeed-v604.exe) | 3.74 MB
http://softvnn.com/images/down.gif Tải về cFosSpeed 6.04 Build 1753 Final - 64bit (http://www.cfos.de/cfosspeed-x64-v604.exe) | 4.20 MB

http://softvnn.com/images/down.gif Tải về cFosSpeed 6.05 Build 1771 Beta - 32 bit (http://www.cfos.de/beta/cfosspeed-v605-build1771.exe) | 3.86 MB
http://softvnn.com/images/down.gif Tải về cFosSpeed 6.05 Build 1771 Beta - 64 bit (http://www.cfos.de/beta/cfosspeed-x64-v605-build1771.exe) | 4.25 MB

http://softvnn.com/images/key.jpg Key full bởi nh0cchjp ! (http://www.mediafire.com/?hfa7iikkgj2nbak)

http://softvnn.com/images/key.jpg Tải về Trial-Reset by BOX v2.0 [D-link] (http://dl2.softvnn.net/11/playboy6006/software/Keygen-Patch/box/Box_cFSTR2.0_Softvnn.com.rar)

(Hệ thống lấy tin tự động - chuyenhvt.net)