View Full Version : idiom daily

07-12-2009, 08:41 PM
1.about to = ready to,on the verge of (doing)
2.to break the news = to make something known
3.to cost an arm and a leg = very expensive
4.to give one the ax = to fire someone
5.give one the creeps = to create a feeling of disgust or horror
6.real flop or flop = a failure
7.go to belly-up = go bankrupt
8.lose one's temper = very angry
9.sharp as a tack = very intelligent
10.let's face it = accept the difficult reality
11.top dollar = lot of money
12.save the day = prevent a disaster or misfortune
13.dead-end job = a job that won't lead to anything else
14.put-up with = to endure without complain
15.make up one's mind = to decide
16.go back to the drawing board = start again after failure

07-12-2009, 08:44 PM
1.when pigs fly = never
2.(to) think big = to set a high goal
3.right-hand man = the most helpful assistant or employee
4.keep one's chin up = to stay positive
5.(to) tell off = to scold,to tell someone in strong words what one really think
6.easier said than done = more difficult than you think
7.start your own business
8.if worse comes to worst = in the worst case
9.(to) live from hand to mouth = to barely have enough money to survive
10.last resort = the last solution for getting out of a difficult
11.(to) hang in there = to not give up,to persevere
12.(to) stab someone in the back = to betray someone
13.out of work = to be unemployed,not working
14.thank goodness = I'm graceful
15.look on the bright side = to be optimistic
16.(to) make ends meet - to be okay financially
17.(to) stressed out = very anxious
18.(to) set eyes on = to look at,to see for the first time
19.(to) get canned = to be given the ax,to get sacked,to get fired
20.change one's mind = to change one's opinion or decision

08-12-2009, 09:26 PM
1.(to) buckle down = to start working seriously
2.can't stand = to hate
3.(to) stand a chance = to have the possibility of success
4.(to) blow something = to spoil or botch something
5.beside the point = not relevant , not important
6.(to) cut class = to miss class without excuse
7.get real! = be serious or realistic about what's going on
8.(to) have one's heart set on = to really want something
9.(to) hit the books = to start studying
10.lost cause = something hopeless
11.(to) not give a hoot = to not care about
12.over one's head = beyond one's understanding
13.(to) slack off = to waste time

10-12-2009, 09:52 PM
You should write down the source of these idioms, it would be easier to understand them in real contexts.
E-book "Speak English like an American", download via this link:
Download here (http://www.free4vn.org/f146/t81248/)

10-01-2010, 04:11 PM
Thank you so much.
I think to speak like an native speaker,we need train two thing:
First,we need knows how they speak in "real conversation",not in TV news,or in a lecture.So we need to know many slangs,many idioms.

Second,we need train our intonation.In my opinion,it's the most important thing to a native speaker can know what you say.

In Fact,we also know that,there are many dialects in English: American accent,British accent,Scottish accent,Australia,Singaporean,Indian ...
So,I think,to speak with accurate accent like "native speaker" is impossible!!!!!

Well,what do you think! Can u give me more advices ?
Thank you so much :D

11-01-2010, 12:31 PM
Thank you so much.
I think to speak like an native speaker,we need train two thing:
First,we need knows how they speak in "real conversation",not in TV news,or in a lecture.So we need to know many slangs,many idioms.

Second,we need train our intonation.In my opinion,it's the most important thing to a native speaker can know what you say.

In Fact,we also know that,there are many dialects in English: American accent,British accent,Scottish accent,Australia,Singaporean,Indian ...
So,I think,to speak with accurate accent like "native speaker" is impossible!!!!!

Well,what do you think! Can u give me more advices ?
Thank you so much :D

Dialect could be really obstructed problems in terms of practicing native-voice English, so you can choose one of them to practice yourself, American English or Britain English, they are all very interesting and useful in future, cause they're broadcasting in almost English channels these day.

I used to practice speaking fluently by this method: create a list of questions about one topic (or many, it does not matter), imagine how I would continue the conversation with myself. Then I would answer those questions, few times until getting the most satisfying answers. It would help you to focus your mind into one topic and its aspects.

Hope this helps!!!